Returning Members
To renew your membership simply LOG IN to your current account on our website, on the top right hand corner of this page. You will be asked to review your profile where there will be several fields you will be required to update. This prevents you from creating a 2nd account within HOPE's administrative system. Please do not click "join" that's the link for new members. Once you have updated your profile, you will receive an invoice for your 2023/24 membership.
Early Bird registration - July 1 - July 15. Early Bird fees are $85/family and must be paid by July 15th.
General registration July16th - August 31st at $99/family and must be paid by August 31st
You may pay online or send your check to HOPE for Hidalgo County, Inc. to: PO Box 720573, McAllen, TX 78504. All checks must be postmarked by July 15th for early bird and August 31sst for general registration.